Crop n Punch



PLEASE VISIT ME AT Crop'nPunch PhotogBlog and subscribe to the RSS or by Email at the new location.

All About Crop n Punch

My desire is to provide you with a variety of things to read on my PhotogBlog. Listed below are the regular features you will find here as well as a brief description of each.

Be sure to check back often or subscribe, as you won't want to miss a thing!

  • A Little Different - Photos that are a little out of the ordinary. (This could be very interesting!)
  • A Word from the Word - Scripture, inspirational messages, encouragement, just about anything I feel is appropriate.
  • Blast from the Past - Snapshots taken before my DSLR that have been cropped and punched to give new life.
  • Create It - Craft ideas, suggestions or perhaps links from other's creative ideas.
  • FotoFriday52 - My own project of posting a picture a week - hopefully on Fridays.
  • From a Friend - Something I've learned from a friend, will direct you to a friend's post or have them post something here.
  • Photo Frenzies - Most posts will likely fall here. Journals of recent, fun, photo trips and the photographs to support them.
  • On a Side Note - When I want to share something that does not pertain in any way shape or form to photography, it will show up here.
  • Wanna Learn? - Links to other sites, blogs, forums, articles, etc. that will help you learn something new. Everyone wants to learn something new, right?


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