Crop n Punch



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Time to Pick Up Steam

For the last few weeks, my camera has felt neglected. Oh, don't get me wrong, it's by my side always. It's just that I've had a hard time finding things that I feel are worthy of shooting. Perhaps it is the fact that I live in Texas and the scenery is a little hum-drum during the winter months. Maybe I've already worn out the welcome of my backyard. It could even have to do with the fact that Lisa and I took a trip to Amish Country late last fall and since then, things seem boring. No beautiful country hills, Amish farms, horse and buggies. And yes, it could have something to do with the fact that I'm a wimp when it comes to blistery cold temperatures. It's been much cooler the last month compared to what we normally have in Texas winters.

Whatever the excuse is, it's time for things to change! I just finished reading someone else's blog on how to exercise your sights by looking at every thing in front of you as if you are taking a photo. Look at lighting, check composition, what different angles can you take, etc. With this exercise, I'm beginning to see that many of the hum-drums can actually be beautiful works of art.

So now what? It's time to pick up the camera and pick up steam in my shots. It's time to put practice to the exercises I've been working. As a result, I hope to have some fun new shots to share with you soon. I'm going to pick up steam in my photography and hopefully warm up some of the goosebumps as well!

Bit by the Shutter Bug,


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