Crop n Punch



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The Beginning

Welcome to the first blog post on my new Crop n Punch blog site. The purpose is to post some of my most recent photos and keep a journal of my hobby, as I grow and learn. Just to explain the name of this blog...I thoroughly enjoy both capturing the images and also processing the raw files. My two favorite things to do on the processing end are to crop the ones that need help with composition, and use the Punch preset to enhance the details. It's a joke with those around me, "It doesn't matter, I will just crop and punch."

I have enjoyed taking pictures all of my life and have many boxes, photo albums and now, hard drives to prove it. But it had always been just quick snapshots of family or events with no artistic purpose. Not until recently has there been an interest in going beyond "snapping pictures" and into the art of photography. It runs in my family...both my mom and dad are WONDERFUL photographers and my grandmother was a semi-pro photographer in her day. I guess you could say that I'm following in their footsteps with this newfound interest. Those are big shoes to fill, but with God's grace and help, I am taking the steps!

In September of 2009, my dad and mom blessed me with my first DSLR – a Canon Rebel T1i and a couple of lenses. Since that time I've had a wonderful time learning and playing with my new toy. I've found that I have been bit! Bit by the shutter bug, that is, and I am really enjoying it.

So, as I continue to learn and play, I've decided to post my experiences here on this site. Be patient with me and if you have any tips, constructive comments, etc. to share, I'm receptive of them.
Here are a few of my first shots from the past few months of Photo Frenzies that I've taken with my best friend, Lisa, and her daughter. We do our best to go out every couple of weeks to practice and let me tell you, we have fun doing it! What a FUN hobby I've been blessed with and what FUN I have sharing it with my family and friends.

Bit by the Shutter Bug,


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